Different types of keywords and a thing called search intent

It's time to learn about the different types of keywords and a magical thing called search intent!

Fine, search intent is not that magical, but it is super helpful to understand.
Read on. It's worth it.

We generally classify keywords under 4 categories based on the searcher intent:

  • Informational: Searchers are looking for information.
  • Navigational: Searchers intend to visit a specific website or page.
  • Commercial: Searchers are considering a purchase.
  • Transactional: Searchers aim to make a purchase or another form of transaction.

Let's dive a bit deeper into each intent category.

Informational keywords

These searchers want to learn something. They often come in the form of a question. But not always. Here are some examples of informational keywords:

  • "How to bake a chocolate cake"
  • "Why do leaves change color in fall?"
  • "History of the Roman Empire"
  • "Benefits of Mediterranean diet"

These keywords offer an excellent opportunity to increase brand recognition and establish expertise within your niche. Not too bad, huh?

Navigational keywords

These searchers try to find a specific website, page, or online resource. Typically, these keywords include brand names, product names, or the names of services.

Here are some examples of navigational keywords:

  • "facebook login"
  • "Amazon Prime subscription"
  • "tesla website"
  • "Wikipedia World War 2"

These keywords come from searchers who know exactly what they are looking for and are (usually!) not a prime pick.

Commercial keywords

Commercial keywords are used by searchers researching products or services before making a purchase decision. These keywords often indicate that the searcher wants to make an informed purchase and is looking for relevant information (reviews, product comparisons, etc).

Here are some examples of commercial keywords:

  • "Vegan skincare products ratings"
  • "affordable 4K TVs reviews"
  • "top-rated running shoes for marathons"
  • "Latest MacBook Pro vs Dell XPS"

Usually, these searchers are looking to make some kind of purchase soon.
Clearly, it's a fantastic audience to target.

Transactional keywords

Transactional keywords indicate a searcher's intention to complete a purchase or engage in a specific transaction. These keywords are often straightforward.

Here are some examples of transactional keywords:

  • "Buy iPhone 14 online"
  • "Book flight tickets to New York"
  • "sign up for yoga classes"
  • "shop summer dresses on sale"

These keywords signal the strongest intent to buy.
The searchers have already made up their minds to spend money. An excellent pick for landing pages, product pages, and paid ads!

As you can see, Understanding the intent behind keywords is crucial to your SEO strategy.

You can create content that resonates with your target audience at every stage of their search journey by targeting specific intents.

Pretty cool!